The variety of weird things people do when they’re on drugs is kind of amazing: Police got a call on Tuesday morning about a suspicious car parked at a vineyard in Santa Rosa, California.
It’s was right next to one of those big fans grape growers use to circulate the air and keep grapes from freezing. And once the cops got closer to it, they realized someone was INSIDE the fan. The base is hollow and just big enough to fit a person. And it turned out a 38-year-old guy climbed inside . . . and had been stuck there for TWO DAYS. When they asked why he climbed in, he said he likes taking pictures of the motors inside old farm equipment. Which is an odd hobby, but okay.
The fan wasn’t that old though. And when they searched him, they found a whole bunch of METH. The sheriff’s office posted about it on their Facebook page, and said he had, quote, “far more methamphetamine than camera equipment.” They said the real reason he climbed inside remains a mystery. He’s facing charges for trespassing and drug possession.