South Dakota State University Extension is seeking livestock producers interested in opening and operating their own meat processing facilities to participate in a workshop series. The series, “Enhancing Producer Resources to Build Small Meat Processing Capacity,” will include industry tours and case studies, regulatory presentations and financing and logistics discussions.
“This workshop series is designed to give livestock producers who are considering becoming involved in a meat processing business an inside look at small meat processing plants and have candid discussions about what it takes to both start up a new business and keep it running,” says Christina Bakker, SDSU Extension Meat Science Field Specialist.
Baker says those interested should sign up, then the schedule of meetings will be developed to work with everyone’s schedules. Interested participants should be willing to travel to tour locations and commit to two workshop events and four virtual meetings.
Those interested in more information or wanting to sign up should contact Bakker at 605-688-5436 or