A U.S. District Court has approved a consent decree agreement between Growth Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency that requires EPA to finalize its 2020-2022 Renewable Volume Obligations no later than June 3, 2022. The consent decree follows Growth Energy’s multiple notices of intent to sue and a complaint in federal district court in response to the agency’s extended delay in issuing the RVOs.
Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor says, “We are encouraged by EPA’s commitment to this deadline, as it gives more credence to the agency’s stated intention to get the RFS back on track.”
In December, Growth Energy submitted a notice of intent to sue regarding EPA’s failure to timely fulfill the agency’s statutory obligation under the RFS to issue the 2022 RVO and, in turn, the potentially multi-year “set” rulemaking process for renewable fuel volumes for 2023 and beyond. The RVOs for 2022 were due by November 30, 2021, an annual deadline set by Congress.