The Pierre City Commission is considering lowering city electric rates, but raising water and wastewater rates.
Missouri River Energy Services gave the commission a utility rate analysis at last night’s (Tues.) meeting. The analysis recommended lowering the electric utility rate for all customers– residential, commercial- and rural– by an average of 3 percent annually; raising the water rate 8 percent annually from 2019-2023; and raising the wastewater rate 5 percent annually.
Depending on usage, the recommended electricity rate reduction equates to a decrease of between $1 and $6 per month month for an average residential customer.
The increased water rate recommendation is connected to building a new water treatment facility, which the public approved during the June 2018 primary election. If the 8 percent increase for the next five years is approved, the average user will pay an additional $30 per month ($1 per day) for treated water.
Raising the wastewater rate an average of 5 percent will cover increased operational costs and major capital improvements. If approved, the average residential user would see an increase of about $1.60 a month.
If all three utility recommendations are accepted by the Pierre City Commission, the average residential utility customer will see an increase of 83 cents per month.
The Commission will take final action on the rate recommendations at the Dec. 4 meeting.