The Mobridge City Council met Tuesday, August 13th, for a regular meeting. They visited by phone with Toby Morris of Dougherty and Company regarding refinancing city debt from the 2014 bond issue for construction of the pool. They approved a resolution authorizing an amendment of the lease and refunding, thereby putting the city an offense position to take advantage of any market movement.
Mobridge pool employees were recognized at the meeting. Mayor Gene Cox…
Council approved a request from the Rodeo Foundation to access electricity from a street light for a new Daktronics sign in front of the rodeo grounds.
Also approved at the meeting:
A temporary liquor license was approved for Pauly’s Pub for an event on August 31st.
Pay request number 4 for the airport runway project.
The lease with the Mobridge Chamber for office space in the Scherr Howe Event center.
Two of three new members of the fire department were approved, and the third is pending the turning in of his application.
City Administrator Christine Goldsmith talked about the Memorial Tree Program.
Councilperson Tom O’Connell stated he was not in favor of crab apple trees in the cemeteries due to the mess.
City Council board retreat will be August 19th, and a special council meeting will be held August 27th.