No need to wait for Easter. A new report found Americans are already buying more candy than EVER. The National Confectioners Association just put out its annual “State of Treating” report, and candy sales are at an all-time high.
Chocolate candy sales are up 9% in the past year . . . non-chocolate candy is up almost 15% . . . and even sales of gum and mints are up 4%. That’s after sales were already up in 2020 and 2021.
Here are a few more quick stats on America’s candy consumption . . .
1. Most of our candy is bought at the grocery store now . . . that checkout line can get ya. But convenience stores saw the biggest jump in candy sales over the past year.
2. 78% of adults say treating yourself to candy every now and then is perfectly fine.
3. 72% say physical health and “emotional well-being” are interconnected.
4. Two in five Americans follow at least one candy brand or store on social media.
5. 83% of us usually or “always” eat candy when we’re on a road trip.
6. 88% of us share our candy with other people at least half the time we buy it.