The 6th Circuit Drug/DUI Court celebrated nine years of success with a graduation ceremony for three people today (Wed.) at the Stanley County Courthouse in Fort Pierre.
Judge John Brown has presided over the DUI/Drug Court since 2011. He says participants choose to join the program. It’s not handed down by judges as punishment or part of a sentence.
Judge Brown says participants must complete extensive treatment services, maintain employment and be productively engaged within their community.
The Sixth Circuit Court accepts participants residing in Hughes and Stanley Counties who have been convicted of felony DUI and Drug offenses. Including today’s three graduates, the Sixth Circuit has 63 people who have successfully completed the DUI/Drug Court program.
The Sixth Circuit is central South Dakota and includes Potter, Sully, Hyde, Hughes, Lyman, Stanley, Jones, Haakon, Jackson, Bennett, Mellette, Todd, Tripp and Gregory.