The Hughes County Commission is holding an informational open house on the proposed sale of the Cow and Spring Creek Sanitary System today (Mon.) from 4:30-5:30pm.
County manager Kevin Hipple says the Commission declared the System as surplus in December and is preparing to offer it for sale.
The open house will be held in the Commission Room on the second floor of the Hughes County Courthouse in Pierre, before the regular commission meeting.
Hipple says declaring the system as surplus legally indicates the county’s intention to sell or dispose of it.
The Cow and Spring Creek Sanitary System is located near the Oahe Reservoir approximately 20 miles northwest of Pierre off Highway 1804. The System provides both water and sewer services to residences and businesses in both Hughes and Sully Counties.
If you are not able to attend this open house, you may submit written comments by sending them to the Hughes County Commission, 104 E Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD, 57501 or via email at