The commissioners convened and immediately went into an executive session regarding personnel that lasted about an hour.
The commissioners accepted the resignation of Ryan Badten from his positions as landfill supervisor and county assistant, effective March 27th. Badten has accepted a new position in Minnesota. Commissioner Houck made a motion to authorize the auditor to advertise for the position of landfill supervisor.
The commission then skipped over the next item on the agenda, which was to appoint Rebecca Krein to the position of landfill supervisor, county assistant and emergency manager assistant and accept her resignation from the position of county auditor. No discussion, no action taken.
A motion to declare Walworth County a disaster due to the excessive snow, wind and potential for flooding was discussed. State’s attorney James Hare told the commission he will draft up a resolution to make that declaration and have it on the next agenda.
Under old business, Commissioner Houck brought up the recent hiring a full-time secretary at the highway department. He stated the commission never authorized the auditor to advertise for the position or state the wage. No motions were found in the meeting minutes, so state’s attorney Hare recommended putting on the next agenda a motion to advertise for the position, to hire the position and to set the salary. He said that all needs to be on the record.
Several taxpaying citizens of Walworth County were in attendance at the meeting and Carolyn Schmit made this comment.
Walworth County commission meetings are recorded and available to view on YouTube and