The Oahe Dam Reservoir pool at Pierre has gone up about half a foot in the past 24 hours, but inflows are substantially less than they’ve been the past several days.
According to the US Army Corps of Engineers, inflows are 106,000 cfs, down from around 150,000 cfs late last week and over the weekend. Outflows are 5,000 cfs, up slightly from the 4,800 cfs last week.
As of this (Mon.) morning, the Oahe Reservoir pool elevation is 1614.7 feet. Flood stage is 1620. The Corps expects rapid rises in the upper Missouri River Dam System reservoir pools as the plains and mountain snowpacks melt and flow into the River. But, the Corps says the system has room to hold the runoff– barring a major rain event.
Find daily reservoir level information on the Corps website.