The pool level at the Oahe Reservoir at Pierre and Fort Pierre has risen several feet this spring because of above average runoff in the Plains area above the dam. The rising has many people living along the Missouri River getting nervous and flashing back to the flooding that occurred in 2011.
During the annual US Army Corps of Engineers’ spring meeting for the area this (Mon.) morning, Fort Pierre mayor Gloria Hanson asked how much notice people may have before local flooding starts, if a significant rain event happens upstream of Oahe. Chief of the Missouri River Basin Water Management Division John Remus replied.
Pierre mayor Steve Harding asked Corps engineer Kevin Grode what would happen to the Oahe Reservoir pool level if a five inch rain happens upstream.
The Corps has eight purposes to consider while managing the flow of water along the Missouri River. Remus says runoff dictates how they prioritize those purposes.
As of mid-day today (Mon.), the Oahe Reservoir pool level was at 1617.7 feet, unchanged for 24 hours. Inflows and releases are each currently 32,000 cfs. Remus said as soon as they get the pool level down at Fort Randall, they can start releasing more water from Oahe, freeing up storage space.
Find updated Missouri River reservoir levels on the Corps website: