Commission Chairperson Scott Schilling started the meeting with a warning to the public in attendance not to talk during the meeting or they would first be warned and then asked to leave.
County resident Linda Beaman addressed the commission. She tried to have some items she is concerned about put on the agenda for discussion and was denied by County Auditor Rebecca Krein. Commissioner Jim Houck had also asked last week for Beaman’s items to be added and his request was denied. States Attorney James Hare…
Hare will speak with South Dakota Association of County Commissioners Deputy Director Kristie Jacobsen and come back to the commission with an answer on the issue of the public questioning the actions of the board.
The commission adopted a resolution to approve a franchise for Cam Wal Electric to maintain and repair lines within the county right of ways.
The commission approved the alcoholic beverage renewal for the Hoven Country Club, and they discussed the veteran service officer position. Commissioner Davis Martin will work on putting together a board.
Sheriff Boll requested a full-time secretary/administrative office assistant. He is currently interviewing candidates for the part-time position, but the commissioners still want his assistant to also rotate as a helper in two other offices in the courthouse.
The commission decided to hold a special meeting this Thursday, May 23rd at 9:00am to go into executive session to discuss the applications for highway superintendent. They will then put an item to hire or advertise statewide for the position on the next agenda.