Commissioner Jim Houck questioned the recent decision at a meeting last month to waive fifty percent of the landfill tipping fees for a private corporation cleaning up the land area west of the Mobridge rodeo grounds. Houck had been under the impression it was for the Mobridge Rodeo Association. Representing the group that purchased the land, Pat Thorstenson clarified the group’s intentions…
Houck moved to rescind the motion to waive the fees, but it died for lack of second.
Sheriff Josh Boll informed the board that Karlea Stahl has been offered the position of deputy sheriff and will start September 16th. The commission approved a raise for part-time Deputy Sheriff Don Knecht, who works with no benefits but has the same functions and powers as the rest of the deputies in the sheriff’s department.
Regarding the meetings with other counties on the jail contracts, McPherson County has scheduled a meeting on September 23rd. Commissioner Kevin Holgard said he expects the other counties to get back to him – they will have to schedule special meetings for the presentation.
Commissioner Holgard questioned why the supplement Ensure is listed as an over the counter medication.
Sheriff Boll says they follow the recommendations of the nurse.
Also at the meeting, the highway department is accepting quotes until September 17th to remove an abandoned bridge over Swan Creek, with expected completion date November 5th.
The commission approved the creation of 2 part-time positions for seasonal employment in the highway department.
Game Fish and Parks over payed due to a double billing from the county on the Swan Creek project. County Auditor Rebecca Krein will visit with legislative audit so that reimbursement is done properly.
There was more discussion regarding Penny Goetz coming back to the highway department on a temporary basis to train highway secretary Corrine Olson. State’s attorney Jamie Hare reminded the board that they fund the positions, but it’s under the the direction of the highway superintendent as to what he hires people for and what he has them do.
Under new business, Commissioner Scott Schilling wants to have a motion on the next agenda to discuss the relationship with the 4-H Youth Advisor for Walworth and Campbell counties.
A special meeting to discuss the 2020 provisional budget is set for Friday, September 13th, and 9:00am.
The next regular meeting of the Walworth County Commission is Tuesday, September 24th.