Because of current river levels, the City has closed the fishing piers along the causeway in Pierre.
Parks and Recreation Director Tom Farnsworth says with the high flows coming out of the Oahe Dam, the water is starting to rise over the fishing pier decks on the causeway. He says access to LaFramboise Island isn’t impacted by the fishing pier closure.
Other minor impacts as a result of the higher releases from the Oahe Dam are:
- The access road that runs along the beachfront in Griffin Park in Pierre is closed
- Hillsview Golf Course has some standing water, especially at Holes 2 and 11
Pierre City Administrator Kristi Honeywell stressed these are minor impacts of the high releases. She says the City is tracking water levels daily and is in regular contact with the Army Corps of Engineers.
Incidentally, the Corps will hold its annual fall public meeting on Missouri River Mainstem System operations Wednesday (Oct. 23) at 10am CT at the Casey Tibbs Conference Center in Fort Pierre.
The Corps’ fall meetings provide an update on the current year’s runoff and reservoir operations as well as planned operations for the next year’s runoff season. The Annual Operating Plan for the next year’s runoff season is presented at the public meetings and finalized at the end of the calendar year.
Public Meetings are held each spring and fall across the entire Missouri River basin.