Stanley County’s Gross Domestic Product grew 111% from 2008 to 2018—doubling in the past decade.
Governor’s Office of Economic Development Community Development Representative Scott Amundson says Stanley County had the 7th highest growth rate of all 66 counties in the state.
Amundson says Fort Pierre and Stanley County showed strong growth in several other areas as well.
Amundson shared the data during the Fort Pierre Development Corporation’s annual meeting last week (Thurs.).
FPDC Executive Director Dave Bonde gave a “2019 Year in Review,” highlighting residential property cleanup making lots available for new houses and mentioning new businesses, buildings sold and businesses that moved in 2019 and 2020. Those included:
Casey’s Truck Plaza
BPro, Inc
Buckin’ Swank Leather
CHALK Preschool
River Bluff Custom Homes, LLC
Bad River Pack
Emily Steber, co-owner of Drifters Bar & Grille, was elected to the FPDC Board of Directors.
Among Stanley County growth figures Amundson presented were:
Ag, forestry, fishing and hunting grew by 43% over 2 years (2017 & 2018)
Manufacturing grew by 72% over 2 years (2017 & 2018)
Retail grew by 72% over 10 years
Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing grew by 21% over 10 years
Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation and food services grew by 143% over 10 years (The addition of restaurants and hotels likely helped spur that growth)
Leading businesses are in construction, education, accommodation/food service and retail
Median income is $70,509, 19% more than state average and 11% more than the national average
From 2013-18, 75% increase in owner occupied housing valuations