The South Dakota Department of Social Services will use newly received federal funding to help support child care programs and the families they serve.
Secretary Laurie Gill says DSS received $9 million in CARES Act funding to support child care programs overcome the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic. She says the benefit is meant to help providers meet expenses while also passing the assistance on to the families they serve.
Gill says many providers have seen their earnings decline due to changes in employment and school closures which led to more kids being absent from their programs. She says DSS understands the struggles providers are facing and will disburse the funds as quickly as possible.
Payments to providers will be based on program size, efforts made to assist families and account for children absent from program attendance.
The CARES Act funding is available to child care providers registered and licensed by the Department of Social Services. Providers will receive an email with the application for funding and will have 30 days to apply.