The Stanley County and Pierre school boards each meet this (Mon.) evening.
Included on the Pierre School Board agenda are:
- the Playground Inspection Report
- action on the High School Club Sport Recognition Agreement
- final reading and adoption of Middle School Handbook Changes
- first reading of High School Handbook Changes
- final reading of the Student Behavior, Bully Prevention Policy
The Pierre School Board meeting starts at 5:30pm. Due to CDC guidelines, the board will meet using the video conferencing platform ZOOM. The public will be able to access the live stream by going to
Among items on the agenda for the Stanley County School Board are:
- discussion of 2020-2021 Preliminary Budget
- discussion of Dual/Concurrent Credit Classes policy, Current Grading policy and Distance Education policy.
- a Wrestling Committee Presentation
- discussion of a Year End Special Board Meeting
The Stanley County School Board meeting starts at 6pm. The public may connect to the meeting via phone by calling 605-223-7741, extension 109.