Per diem meal reimbursement was the first issue discussed at Tuesday’s (March 16th) Walworth County Commission meeting when Commissioner Kevin Holgard asked about getting receipts for meals. Claims were then approved except for the per diem rates for meals. Commissioner Rick Cain voted against the motion. County Auditor Eva Cagnones will check into whether the reimbursements should go through payroll and the matter will be on the next agenda.
A motion was approved to replace the former auditor with the new auditor to positions on county boards for purchasing, insurance, personnel policy, and 4-H complex policy committee.
A request from Shari Rossow, who was not present at the meeting, to put discussion back on the agenda to hire a part time extension assistant brought about more discussion of full-time versus part-time and specific duties. This turned into a discussion about also hiring someone to float between the treasurer’s and auditor’s offices. The hiring issue will be put on the next agenda for further discussion and possible action.
The commission passed a motion to pre-approve the purchase of a 2006 Ford multi-person transport van for $8300. It has low miles and is wheelchair accessible. Sheriff Josh Boll said they will go to Huron to look it over before negotiating.
After an executive session on a personnel matter, the commission passed a motion on a 3 to 2 roll call vote to bring disciplinary action against Equalization Director Deb Kahl in the form of a 3-day suspension for her action of entering an executive session on February 9th. She has already made a public apology.
Randy Hanson from Wenck talked about landfill financial assurance calculations that need to be completed, which is a requirement from the state and an EPA rule that needs to be done each year. It looks at liability issues related to a close of the facility and post-closure care.
The commission passed a motion to increase landfill tipping fee rates for 2022. Letters will be sent out to all the carriers informing them of the rate changes.
Meeting Part 1
Meeting Part 2