The Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce Agri-Interest Committee has been working on ways to bring everyone together to recognize the importance of local agriculture during National Ag Week March 22-26, 2021, and on National Ag Day March 23.
This week, Pierre, Fort Pierre and some surrounding schools will receive materials that celebrate agriculture to distribute to fourth-grade students. The committee also launched a “Virtual Ag Field Day” program which allows fourth-grade classes to continue the tradition of Ag Field Day, while maintaining safety precautions for COVID-19. The committee will also recognize the 2021 Farmer/Rancher of the Year and the 2021 Ag scholarship recipients on the Chamber’s Facebook page.
“These activities are our way to thank the farm and ranch families in and around the Pierre area for their hard work and dedication to the industry, as well as their patronage of area businesses,” said Jed Breuker of BankWest and Chair of the Agri-Interest Committee.
The 2021 theme is “Food Brings Everyone to the Table.”
In the fall, the Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce Agri-Interest Committee will deliver packages to local farmers and ranchers to say, thank you, for all they do to kept us fed–no matter what. National Ag Day promotes recognition and appreciation for all involved in American ag.