As the July 15th opt out date approaches, the Walworth County Commissioners discussed some of their options for building a jail at their regular meeting on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. Commissioner Kevin Holgard asked why the county needs to opt out by that particular date. Commissioner Rick Cain explained.
Audio PlayerHolgard said a jail proposal he has been working on could make it possible that the county would not need to opt out. Cain said not opting out is not an option.
Audio PlayerHolgard asked the board to give him until the first meeting in July to organize his plan for the jail. Cain then asked Holgard about his plan.
Audio PlayerCain then said in regard to seeing what the county can do to keep costs down, he was willing to wait the three weeks to hear Holgard’s plan, and did not make the motion for the opt out resolution at Tuesday’s meeting.
Also at the meeting, the second reading of an ordinance establishing a jail administrator that will be accountable to the commission was approved.
The board passed a motion to surplus a fuel barrel and trailer at the landfill.
The purchase of a portable radio for Emergency Management was approved. This radio will allow more flexibility in communications with several entities at the same time.
Walworth County Commissioner’s Meeting 6-15-21
Posted by Walworth County, Selby SD on Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Walworth County Commissioner’s Meeting 6-15-21
Posted by Walworth County, Selby SD on Tuesday, June 15, 2021