Agriculture is one of the most dangerous industries in the country and abroad. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health says approximately two million full-time workers were employed in production ag in the U.S. as recently as 2018. About 100 agricultural workers suffer a lost-work-time injury every day.
National Farm Safety and Health Week has been recognized during the third week of September for the last 77 years to help bring attention to the risks of working in agriculture. This year, AgriSafe and its partners at the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety picked the theme as “Farm Safety Yields Real Results” for the week of September 20-25, 2021. AgriSafe will offer free webinars on tractor and roadway safety, keeping young people safe, anhydrous ammonia safety, respiratory protection, mental health, and women’s health issues. Continuing Education credits for healthcare and allied health professionals will be available with two sessions addressing mental health topics.
AgriSafe is an organization made up of health and safety professionals who strive to reduce health disparities found in the agricultural community.

Infographic credit AgriSafe.