South Dakotans are encouraged to safely dispose of unwanted prescription drugs during the US Drug Enforcement Administration’s National Prescription Take-Back Day tomorrow (Oct. 23, 2021).
Unwanted medications can be disposed of without question in a secure medication drop box at participating locations like pharmacies and police stations.
During the Spring National Take-Back Day in South Dakota in April (April 24, 2021), 1,651 pounds of medication was collected for destruction through participating law enforcement locations. This is in addition to the 703 pounds collected through the take-back receptacles at retail pharmacies in April.
For those who cannot make it to a take back site, DisposeRx packets are available for free from the South Dakota Department of Social Services and can be mailed directly to you. DisposeRx packets contain an FDA-approved ingredient that, when mixed with water, chemically and physically neutralizes the medication so it can be safely thrown away at home. The packets work with pills, tablets, capsules, liquids and powders.
To find the closest take-back locations or to order DisposeRx packets, visit

Image credit South Dakota Department of Social Services website.
DSS is also offering free medication lock boxes to help safely store medications. They can be ordered at

Image credit South Dakota Department of Social Services website.
Across America, nearly 10 million people misused prescription pain relievers in 2019, and almost 5 million misused prescription stimulants, according to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.