Walworth County States Attorney James Hare will resign in August. Hare informed the Walworth County Commissioners of his decision at Thursday’s (June 23, 2022) regular meeting. Hare wanted to give the county time to advertise for the opening as either a full- or part-time position, depending on skill level and experience with abuse and neglect cases.
Public Forum
During public forum a resident of Mobridge addressed the commission regarding the quality of the work being done on the street signage project in the county for the Department of Transportation. Her concerns include possible placement of new signs on private property and leaving partial old posts in place. She would like to see the county or highway department get involved to have a final inspection done by the engineer before the project is complete.
Highway Department
The commission approved opening Blue Blanket Rd to light vehicle traffic and a speed reduction at 25 MPH
by resolution with restrictions on 300th Ave/Co Rd #321, 1.5 miles N of Hwy 12. States Attorney Hare read the resolution.
The commission also approved a motion to authorize Highway Superintendent Gary Byre to sign the haul road agreement with D.O.T.
Another motion passed to approve the supplement project transfers in the highway department for secondary road and snow removal expenses.
The bid for asphalt surface treatment was awarded to Jensen Rock and Sand for .42 cents a yard for
treatment applied, and $30 a ton contractor furnish stockpile.
Also at the meeting Thursday, the commission approved signing the paperwork for workman’s compensation coverage with the South Dakota Municipal League.