At Tuesday’s (March 19th) meeting of the Walworth County Commission, the commissioners unanimously passed a motion made by Commissioner Duane Mohr to move forward with plans to build a new jail and sheriff’s office. They also approved hiring HKG Architects of Aberdeen, SD at a cost of $18,000.00 to produce a schematic design and floor plan for the facility. Dean Marske of HKG was at the meeting to visit with the board. Marske said at the present time, the cost of building a 32-bed facility is running at about $6.8 million, and a 42-bed at $7.4 million. Marske said their floor plan design will come first, before any discussion of the costs involved with building and managing the facility.
For the Highway Department the commission approved the Commission Chairman to sign the routine maintenance agreement with Game, Fish, and Parks, and also for the Chairman to sign the joint powers agreement for state funding for pavement markings. The board also passed a motion to go off the 2024 Beadle County bid for the True North Culvert project.
Register of Deeds
Brenda DeToy from the Register of Deeds office had a funeral assistance request for $2,500.00 for a cremation, and this was approved by the commission.
Emergency Management
The commissioners approved travel requests for Emergency Manager Jeff Jensen to attend a mass fatality conference in Rapid City in April, and a FEMA public assistance meeting in Pierre in July.
Jensen also had several updates on emergency management activities, and he would like to purchase a drone for the Emergency Management office, perhaps a unit with thermal technology. The commission will put it on the next agenda for discussion, including insurance. This will also give Jensen the opportunity to get certified as a pilot.
Planning & Zoning
The commission approved the recommendations of the Planning & Zoning Board on the plats of the Turner Addition and the Christman Addition for access roads.
Commission meeting 03/19/2024
Posted by Walworth Pudwill on Tuesday, March 19, 2024