NOVEMBER 8, 2024:
Beginning Monday (Nov. 11, 2024), the current two-way traffic configuration in the westbound lanes of the new John C. Waldron Memorial Bridge will be changing.
According to the South Dakota Department of Transportation, pavement markings will be updated and traffic will travel east in the new eastbound lanes and west in the new westbound lanes. The 10 foot maximum vehicle width restriction, currently in effect within the project limits, will be removed on Tuesday.
Lanes in each direction will be closed intermittently to accommodate ongoing winter construction activities. Motorists are asked to be alert through the work zone for construction vehicles and workers adjacent to the moving traffic.
Effective today (Nov. 8, 2024), pedestrians are able to use the new shared use path through a combination of a 12 foot wide shared use path and a 5 foot wide sidewalk that connects Hustan Avenue in Fort Pierre to James Street in Pierre.
For additional information and photos, please visit the project website at
AUGUST 1, 2024:
Beginning on Thursday, Aug. 1 2024, traffic will be shifting onto the new Lt. Cmdr. John C. Waldron Memorial Bridge between the Fort Pierre and Pierre communities. A two-way traffic configuration in the new westbound lanes will be in use on the new structure. The two-way traffic configuration will extend from the U.S. Highway 14/U.S. Highway 83 intersection in Fort Pierre to James Street in Pierre.
Two-way traffic will be in place for the remainder of the 2024 construction season while grading and concrete paving work is completed for the eastbound lanes at both ends of the new structure.
The existing 10-foot width restriction will remain in place. Over-width vehicles will be routed around the dam on a signed detour route utilizing S.D. Highway 1806, S.D. Highway 204, and S.D. Highway 1804. The traveling public is asked to be alert through the work zone watching for workers adjacent to the moving traffic.
For additional information and photos, please visit the project website at
APRIL 16, 2024:
If the weather cooperates, the South Dakota Department of Transportation will change the traffic configuration over the Missouri River bridge between Fort Pierre and Pierre today (April 17, 2024).
Traffic will be shifted to two-way traffic in the eastbound lanes of the existing structure. Both westbound lanes of the Lt. Cmdr. John C. Waldron Memorial Bridge will be closed. The closure will occur from the U.S. Highway 14/U.S. Highway 83 intersection in Fort Pierre over to James Street in Pierre.
During the closure, a 10-foot width restriction will be in place and all over width vehicles will be detoured around the Oahe Dam. The signed detour route will be on S.D. Highway 1806, S.D. Highway 204, and S.D. Highway 1804.
Motorists are reminded to stay alert when entering the work zone and can expect to encounter minor travel delays and equipment adjacent to moving traffic.
The two-way traffic configuration is anticipated to be in place throughout the 2024 construction season.
Find additional information about this project at
APRIL 12, 2024:
On Sunday (April 14, 2024), the Missouri River Bridge between Fort Pierre and Pierre will be closed to all traffic from 7-9am for maintenance.
During this temporary closure, South Dakota Department of Transportation officials say motorists on U.S. Highway 14 and U.S. Highway 83 should plan to use S.D. Highway 1806, S.D. Highway 204 (across the Oahe Dam), and S.D. Highway 1804 as an alternate route.
Find additional information about this project at
DECEMBER 28, 2023:
The South Dakota Department of Transportation made good progress on some highway projects in the Pierre and Fort Pierre area this summer, but in some cases they didn’t get as far as they had wanted to.
Director of Operations Craig Smith says contractors weren’t able to finish the work at the U-S Highways 83 and 14 junction south of Onida.
Audio PlayerHe says the Highways 83 and 14 project should be finished next year (2024).
As for the new Lt. Cmdr. John C. Waldron Memorial Bridge between Pierre and Fort Pierre, Smith says it should have been open already.
Audio PlayerSmith says the state will also do some landscaping work for the bridge plaza areas on both sides of the Missouri River as the old bridge is removed. He says the logistics for removal of the current bridge are still being worked out.
NOVEMBER 24, 2023:
The Lt. Cmdr. John C. Waldron Memorial Bridge between Fort Pierre and Pierre is back open (Nov. 20, 2023) for the winter season.
SDDOT Pierre Area Engineer Dean VanDeWiele says both eastbound lanes are open as is one westbound lane.
Audio PlayerVanDeWiele says both westbound lanes will be open intermittently.
Audio PlayerVanDeWiele says if weather allows, the contractors will be able to continue doing concrete work during the winter.
Audio PlayerVanDeWiele asks motorists to be alert for occasions when construction workers and vehicles are adjacent to the moving traffic.
For additional information and photos, please visit the project website at
NOVEMBER 20, 2023:
The two-way traffic configuration in the eastbound lanes of the John C. Waldron Memorial Bridge has been removed (Nov. 20, 2023) between Fort Pierre and Pierre for the winter season. Two eastbound lanes are now open to traffic from Fort Pierre to Pierre.
The westbound bridge is now open for the traveling public from Pierre to Fort Pierre. The outside westbound lane is currently closed, and will be closed intermittently, as weather allows to accommodate for ongoing winter construction activities.
The traveling public is asked to be alert through the work zone for construction vehicles and workers adjacent to the moving traffic.
With the removal of the two-way traffic configuration, the 10-foot width restriction across the structure has also been removed. Signs on the detour route around the Oahe Dam routing over-width vehicles will be removed by Tuesday (Nov. 21, 2023).
For additional information and photos, please visit the project website at
SEPTEMBER 5, 2023:
Starting today (Sept. 5 2023), westbound traffic over the John C. Waldron Memorial Bridge between Fort Pierre and Pierre will be routed in the westbound lanes to allow for repair of the surface of the eastbound bridge lanes.
Eastbound traffic will continue to use the eastbound bridge lanes, but will experience lane shifts to allow for the repairs. The repairs are expected to be complete by Thursday, with traffic returning to a two-way configuration using the eastbound lanes from Island Drive in Fort Pierre to James Street in Pierre.
Commuters can expect minimal to no delay, but are asked to reduce their speed and be alert within the project boundaries. The existing 10-foot width restriction remains in place.
For additional information and photos, please visit the project website at
AUGUST 1, 2023:
New signal poles will be placed at the intersection of Yellowstone Avenue and U.S. Highway 14/83 in Fort Pierre tomorrow (Aug. 2, 2023). The contractor will complete the work between the hours of 9am and 3pm.
Motorists may experience a 10-15 minute delay while the work is being done and should consider an alternate route if at all possible.
For additional information about the Pierre/Fort Pierre Bridge project please view
JUNE 21, 2023:
Slow and steady progress is being made on the new bridge over the Missouri River between Pierre and Fort Pierre.
Jake McSheffrey with Project Solutions gave an update to city officials during their respective meetings last night (June 20, 2023). He says work is being done to get all of the girders into place.
Audio PlayerMcSheffrey says project leaders are closely watching traffic patterns in the area around Island Drive.
Audio PlayerMcSheffrey says the traffic lights at the intersection of US Highways 14 and 83 at Yellowstone Street can actually be controlled by motorists.
Audio PlayerIf all goes according to plan, McSheffrey says the intersection is expected to be open for the 4th of July activities in Fort Pierre.
Audio PlayerHe says pedestrian access in the area is still open.
Audio PlayerMcSheffrey says by winter, they expect to have two lanes open going in each direction.
A two-way traffic configuration in the eastbound lanes will be used during the closure, which extends from the US Highway 14/US Highway 83 intersection in Fort Pierre, across the bridge structure to James Street in Pierre. The lane closures and two-way traffic configuration will be in place throughout the rest of the 2023 construction season as work is completed for the new westbound lanes and at the Highway 14/83 intersection.
With the lane closures and two-way traffic configuration, a 10-foot width restriction will be in place. Over-width vehicles will be routed around the dam on a signed detour route using SD Highway 1806, SD Highway 204 and SD Highway 1804.
Find additional information about the Lt. Cmdr. John C. Waldron Pierre/Fort Pierre Bridge construction project at

Aerial view of Lt. Cmdr. John C. Waldron Memorial Bridge.
June 20, 2023.
Courtesy image.
JUNE 12, 2023:
Starting today (June 12, 2023), both westbound lanes of the Lt. Cmdr. John C. Waldron Memorial Bridge between Fort Pierre and Pierre will be closed.
That’s according to South Dakota Department of Transportation Pierre Area Engineer Dean VanDeWiele.
Audio PlayerVanDeWiele asks motorists to be alert through the work zone for construction vehicles and workers adjacent to the moving traffic.
Audio PlayerVanDeWiele says a 10-foot width restriction will be in place.
Audio PlayerVanDeWiele says there may also be longer queues of traffic, especially at peak travel times.
JUNE 7, 2023:
Starting Monday (June 12, 2023), both westbound lanes of the John C. Waldron Memorial Bridge between Fort Pierre and Pierre will be closed and a 10-foot width restriction will be in place.
A two-way traffic configuration in the eastbound lanes will be used during the closure, which extends from the US Highway 14/US Highway 83 intersection in Fort Pierre, across the bridge structure to James Street in Pierre. The lane closures and two-way traffic configuration will be in place throughout the rest of the 2023 construction season as work is completed for the new westbound lanes and at the Highway 14/83 intersection.
With the lane closures and two-way traffic configuration, a 10-foot width restriction will be in place. Over-width vehicles will be routed around the dam on a signed detour route using SD Highway 1806, SD Highway 204 and SD Highway 1804.
The traveling public is asked to be alert through the work zone for construction vehicles and workers adjacent to the moving traffic. There may also be longer queues of traffic, especially at peak travel times.
MAY 3, 2023:
Work is progressing on the replacement of the bridge over the Missouri River between Pierre and Fort Pierre and, unsurprisingly, it can create some backed up traffic.
Fort Pierre Public Works Director Rick Hahn says he’s been in contact with the state Department of Transportation to try to come up with a way to ease the congestion– especially during the morning and evening commutes.
Audio PlayerHahn says the lights can be adjusted– somewhat.
Audio PlayerAt the intersection where motorists go from Highways 14/34 to Highway 83, Hahn says the “free” right hand turn heading into Fort Pierre is being eliminated.
Audio PlayerThroughout the Missouri River bridge replacement project at Fort Pierre and Pierre, the traveling public may encounter stop and go conditions, flaggers and backed up traffic.
Find additional information about the Lt. Cmdr. John C. Waldron Pierre/Fort Pierre Bridge construction project at
APRIL 14, 2023:
The inside eastbound and westbound lanes of US Highway 14 over the Missouri River will be closed Monday (April 17, 2023) from Stanley Road in Fort Pierre to the Ramkota Hotel in Pierre.
The South Dakota Department of Transportation says the contractor plans to set up traffic control to close the inside lanes in preparation for the reconstruction of the intersection of US Highway 14 and US Highway 83 in Fort Pierre. The outside lane of traffic in both directions will be unimpeded while the intersection is being completed.
Median work will begin between the intersection and the Fort Pierre bridge abutment. This work will be done prior to the intersection work beginning on April 24, 2023.
During the lane closures, the traveling public may encounter stop and go conditions, flaggers and backed up traffic, depending on the contractor’s daily operations.
Find additional information about the Lt. Cmdr. John C. Waldron Pierre/Fort Pierre Bridge construction project at
MARCH 17, 2023:
Structural steel work has been happening all week on the new Lt. Cmdr. John C. Waldron Memorial Bridge across the Missouri River at Pierre and Fort Pierre (March 13, 2023).
According to the Pierre-Fort Pierre Bridge website, the westbound outside lane over the Waldron Missouri River Bridge has been closed this week so crews could begin erecting girders for the new bridge. Also referred to as pier girders, haunch girders were lowered from atop the current bridge using three cranes. The girders were lowered onto the temporary “angel wing” support on the bent seven cap, secured and braced.
The South Dakota Department of Transportation is planning for the installation of two-way traffic in the eastbound lanes from the U.S. Highway 14/83 junction in Fort Pierre to Charles Street in Pierre to happen this spring (2023). Closure of the westbound lanes is necessary for construction of the new bridge superstructure, berms, concrete paving and intersection work.
In addition to the two-way traffic configuration, a 10-foot width restriction will also be in effect. The width restriction will remain in place through the entire 2023 construction season. Over-width vehicles will be directed around the Oahe Dam using S.D. Highway 1806, S.D. Highway 204 and S.D. Highway 1804.
Pedestrian access will remain open, with flags being used as needed to accommodate pedestrian crossings through construction areas.
For the safety of the public and construction workers, commuters should reduce their speed and be on constant alert throughout the project limits.
For the latest construction information, videos, and photos, please visit the project website at
FEBRUARY 21, 2023:
The 2023 construction season is going to mean head-to-head traffic and a width restriction on the Lt. Cmdr. John C. Waldron Memorial Bridge between Fort Pierre and Pierre.
According to the South Dakota Department of Transportation, the installation of two-way traffic in the eastbound lanes from the US Highway 14/83 junction in Fort Pierre to Charles Street in Pierre is planned for this spring. Closure of the westbound lanes is necessary for construction of the new bridge superstructure, berms, concrete paving and intersection work.
In addition to the two-way traffic configuration, a 10-foot width restriction will be in effect. The width restriction will remain in place through the entire 2023 construction season. Over-width vehicles will be directed around the Oahe Dam via South Dakota Highways 1806, 204 and 1804.
Pedestrian access will remain open, with flagging used as needed to accommodate pedestrian crossings through construction areas.
For the safety of the public and construction workers, commuters should reduce their speed and be on constant alert.
For the latest construction information, videos, and photos, please visit the project website at