Fort Pierre employees are getting a pay boost next year, but it’s 50% of what the City Council’s Personnel Committee recommended.
During this week’s meeting (Dec. 16, 2024), Alderman Rick Cronin suggested a 75 cent raise for city staff and a $600 annual raise for the mayor and council members. However, that didn’t sit well with Alderman Todd Bernhard, prompting this exchange and another amendment to the original resolution.
Alderwoman Callie Iversen, a member of the Personnel Committee, said they suggest a $1.50 per hour raise for employees, which works out to an approximately 3.5% annual pay increase.
Alderman Rick Cronin’s final resolution was to give employees half of the recommended amount– so 75 cents per hour– and council members and the mayor a $300 annual raise. Mayor Gloria Hanson and Alderman Todd Bernhard said city employees deserve more than that.
Rick Cronin and Bernhard had another back and forth exchange, with Alderman Larry Cronin jumping in to end the discussion.
Voting in favor of the lower, 75 cent per hour raise for Fort Pierre city staff were Rick Cronin, Larry Cronin, Greg Kenzy and Scott Deal. Voting against the lower amount were Todd Bernhard and Callie Iversen. Mayor Gloria Hanson said she’d have voted against it if she could.
The mayor and council members will get a $300 annual raise.