After some lengthy discussion with Mobridge residents in attendance at Wednesday’s (Jan. 8th) Mobridge City Council meeting regarding the second reading of an ordinance on short term rental licenses, a motion to approve that ordinance failed due to lack of majority.
Water/Wastewater Dept.
Council approved a quote of $30,063.62 from Graham Tire Company for tires for the sludge truck.
Fire Dept.
Twenty-five names will be published as the 2025 Fire Department roster was approved.
Also at Wednesday’s council meeting:
Council set an election date of Tuesday, April 8th, and approved a joint election with the school.
A resolution revising the leave without pay provision of the personnel policy manual was approved. Mobridge City Finance Officer Heather Beck explained why the revision was needed.
Council passed a motion to approve a resolution adopting a hazard mitigation plan. Mayor Gene Cox read the resolution.
Council approved spending over $26,000 for repair of the boiler at the Scherr-Howe Event Center. Finance Officer Beck…
According to Beck, by approving the spending now, the parts can be ordered and the work can be done in the spring.
Jamie Dietterle was approved to be the new Executive Director of Housing for $81,000 a year. Mayor Cox talked about the creation of this position.
Council also approved a cooperative agreement with Mobridge Housing. Mayor Cox…
Council gave approval to moving the February regular meeting to Wednesday, February 5th.