Some members of the Fort Pierre City Council are frustrated that the company that built a senior living facility about a year ago hasn’t held up their end of the bargain when it comes to repairing city infrastructure that was torn up during construction.
HME Companies, operating as HME Care, opened the Peaceful Pines Senior Living facility along Yellowstone Street.
At this week’s city council meeting (Jan. 21, 2025), Alderman Greg Kenzy said he wanted to terminate Fort Pierre’s developer’s agreement with HME.
Audio PlayerToby Morris is with Colliers Securities and provides financial advice for Fort Pierre city government. He said terminating the agreement with HME might lead to bigger problems for the town in the future.
Audio PlayerAfter some discussion, Alderwoman Callie Iversen moved that the Council go into executive session to allow the group to go into more detail about the situation. Alderman Larry Cronin opposed the motion, despite the advice of City Attorney Aaron Scheibe.
Audio PlayerThe council did go into executive session, but Alderman Larry Cronin chose to leave the meeting and not participate. After about half an hour, the council came back into open session. Kenzy then rescinded his motion to dissolve Fort Pierre’s agreement with HME.
Peaceful Pines in Fort Pierre marked its one year anniversary with an open house this week (Jan. 23, 2025).