February 4, 2025:
Moving in begins today (Feb. 4, 2025) at the Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center House of Hope in Pierre.
Executive Director Sarah Reinhart says they’re looking forward to offering more services in the new facility.
Reinhart says they primarily work with families or individuals from a six county area around Pierre and Fort Pierre, but they have assisted people from each of South Dakota’s 66 counties.
Reinhart says Missouri Shores is always in need of a variety of items.
If you have any other items you’d like to donate, Reinhart asks that you please call ahead to ensure they have places to put the items.
For more information, please visit the Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center website or Facebook page.
Questions may be directed to Sarah Reinhart by calling 605-224-0256 or emailing director@missourishores.com.
Missouri Shores is always in need of:
Hygiene items (full size preferred) including shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant and tooth paste
Baby shampoo and lotion
Children’s shampoo, soap and toothpaste
Paper towels
Toilet paper
New or gently used women’s and children’s clothing in all sizes
New or gently used bedding, pillows, and towels
New socks and underwear for women and children in all sizes
Cleaning products
Non-perishable food

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.

Photo credit to Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.
February 3, 2025:
An open house is being held today (Feb. 3, 2025) at the Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center “House of Hope” in Pierre.
Executive Director Sarah Reinhart says the project began in January 2022 and they’re looking forward to offering services in the new facility. She says the public is welcome to come check out the facility from noon-3pm.
Reinhart says the House of Hope includes 13 sleeping rooms, a shared living, dining and kitchen area, an indoor play room, fenced outdoor play area and seven staff offices. She says the new facility is more than double the size of Missouri Shores’ current shelter and is intended to meet the increased needs of domestic violence victims and their families from across Central South Dakota.
Missouri Shores is always in need of:
Hygiene items (full size preferred) including shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant and tooth paste
Baby shampoo and lotion
Children’s shampoo, soap and toothpaste
Paper towels
Toilet paper
New or gently used women’s and children’s clothing in all sizes
New or gently used bedding, pillows, and towels
New socks and underwear for women and children in all sizes
Cleaning products
Non-perishable food
Please call ahead with any other donations.
For more information about the open house, please visit the Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center website or Facebook page.
Questions may be directed to Sarah Reinhart by calling 605-224-0256 or emailing director@missourishores.com.
January 22, 2025:
The Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center “House of Hope” project in Pierre is nearing completion.
Executive Director Sarah Reinhart says the project began in January 2022 and they’re looking forward to offering services in the new facility soon.
Reinhart says there will be an open house Feb. 3, 2025, from noon-3pm.
Pierre City Commissioner Vona Johnson says a lot of people came together to make the House of Hope happen.
Reinhart says the House of Hope includes 13 sleeping rooms, a shared living, dining and kitchen area, an indoor play room, fenced outdoor play area and seven staff offices. She says the new facility is more than double the size of Missouri Shores’ current shelter and is intended to meet the increased needs of domestic violence victims and their families from across Central South Dakota.
Missouri Shores is always in need of:
- Hygiene items (full size preferred) including shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant and tooth paste
- Baby shampoo and lotion
- Children’s shampoo, soap and toothpaste
- Paper towels
- Toilet paper
- New or gently used women’s and children’s clothing in all sizes
- New or gently used bedding, pillows, and towels
- New socks and underwear for women and children in all sizes
- Cleaning products
- Non-perishable food
Please call ahead with any other donations.
For more information about the open house, please visit the Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center website or Facebook page.
Questions may be directed to Sarah Reinhart by calling 605-224-0256 or emailing director@missourishores.com.
PIERRE, SD – The Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center “House of Hope” project is nearing completion. The project, which began in January 2022, has been several years in the making. Executive Director Sarah Reinhart says they are looking forward to offering services in the new facility soon. “We are finalizing some last-minute things, the furniture is being delivered, and everyone who adopted rooms are putting them together this week. We are excited to operate out of the new facility within the next few weeks.”
Reinhart said the project has been made a reality thanks to the community. “It truly was made possible because of how generous Pierre, Fort Pierre, and the surrounding communities are. We have a great Steering Committee for the “Gap Campaign” who put in the work to meet the funding need. All the rooms were adopted within hours of being announced. The outpouring of support is what has sustained our Board and staff through the last three years.”
The new House of Hope is over double the size of the current facility and includes thirteen sleeping rooms, a shared living, dining, and kitchen area, an indoor play room, fenced outdoor play area, and seven staff offices. The larger facility is intended to meet the increased needs of victims and their families from across Central South Dakota.
An open house has been scheduled for Monday, February 3, 2025 from 12:00p to 3:00p. The community is invited to visit the new shelter, meet our staff, Board of Directors, and Steering Committee, and learn more about the services we offer. The community is welcome to bring donations to the open house.
Missouri Shores is always in need of:
- Hygiene items (full size preferred) including shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant and tooth paste
- Baby shampoo and lotion
- Children’s shampoo, soap and toothpaste
- Paper towels
- Toilet paper
- New or gently used women’s and children’s clothing in all sizes
- New or gently used bedding, pillows, and towels
- New socks and underwear for women and children in all sizes
- Cleaning products
- Non-perishable food
Please call ahead with any other donations.
For more information about the open house, please visit the Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center website or Facebook page.
Questions may be directed to Sarah Reinhart by calling 605-224-0256 or emailing director@missourishores.com.
MAY 10, 2024:
Construction of the Missouri Shore’s new House of Hope domestic violence shelter in Pierre is making steady progress.
Executive Director Sarah Reinhart says once the framing was up, things started to move along quickly.
Reinhart says it’s exciting to see the new, expanded domestic violence shelter coming together.
As far as completion time, she says the House of Hope is on schedule.
Reinhart says inflation caused the price of the project to go up, so they’re still working to raise money to make up the difference.
As for what will be done with the current Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Shelter, Reinhart says that has yet to be decided.
OCTOBER 25, 2023:
It’s been a long time coming, but ground has been broken at the site of the Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center House of Hope in Pierre.
Executive Director Sarah Reinhart says the current shelter isn’t large enough to serve their clients.
Reinhart says they offer a variety of services to those affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking or stalking.
Missouri Shores Board President LeeAnna Fitzgerald says they have known a larger shelter was needed.
Pierre City Commissioner Jamie Huizenga says the work done by Missouri Shores helps everyone.
Reinhart says if a group or individual would like to donate money or supplies to Missouri Shores, they can reach out to her.
The initial estimate for the House of Hope was around $3.5 million, but due to inflation the total increased to about $5 million. It’s being built in the northeast part of Pierre near City Hall.
If you have questions or would like to donate to the Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center House of Hope project, call 605-224-0256.

Photo credit Jody Heemstra, DRG Media Group.
MARCH 24, 2023:
Like many other building projects, inflation has made the cost of building a new domestic violence center in Pierre jump by about $1.5 million.
Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center Executive Director Sarah Reinhart says their current shelter isn’t large enough to serve their clients.
Reinhart says the initial estimated total cost for the brand-new emergency shelter was around $3.5 million.
Reinhart says if a group or individual would like to donate to the project, they can reach out to her.
Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center serves men, women and children affected by domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking or stalking. Services provided include court, law enforcement and medical advocacy, crisis intervention, referral services and rental assistance.
Again, if you have questions or would like to donate to the Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center House of Hope project, call 605-224-0256.
DECEMBER 22, 2022:
The Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center in Pierre is one of a half dozen entities in South Dakota that have been awarded funds to help people who are homeless, at-risk of homelessness or fleeing domestic violence or human trafficking.
The South Dakota Housing’s Board of Commissioners approved $399,605 in additional funds for the House of Hope Emergency Shelter. Once built, the two-story, non-congregate shelter will have 13 residential units, with a shared living and kitchen area.
The Board allotted nearly $2.2 million (Dec. 13, 2022) to finance the development of non-congregate shelters and providing financial assistance for support services. The $2.18 million dollars in HOME-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) funding is in addition to the $5.7 million awarded previously.
HOME-ARP is one-time funding, which was appropriated under the HOME Program through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The primary purpose of HOME-ARP is to provide funding to assist those who are homeless and other vulnerable populations through capital investment for affordable rental housing, non-congregate shelter and supportive services.
Other recipients of this round of funding are:
Development name: Our Unsheltered Relatives Housing Opportunities Maintained Equitably (OUR HOME)
Development location: Scattered Sites
Developer: Wambli Ska Okolakiciye (oh – koh – lah – kee – chee – yea)
HOME-ARP funds: $691,970
Development summary: Funding for case management and direct financial assistance, such as rental/utility deposits, rental arrears, rental/utility assistance and application fees for clients. The OUR HOME program is a collaboration between Wambli Ska, The Circle, and Journey On to advance the programming provided by the three organization’s Youth Homeless Demonstration Program funding. Journey On provides street outreach services while Wambli Ska and The Circle operate drop-in centers for youth and young adults.
For more information on the HOME-ARP program, please contact Chas Olson, at 605.773.3181.
Development name: RCDVC NCS Shelter Expansion
Development location: Yankton
Developer: River City Domestic Violence Center (RCDVC)
Additional HOME-ARP funds: $184,137
Development summary: The Board of Commissioners approved $184,137 in additional funds for the expansion of the existing one-story, non-congregate shelter. The expansion will include four residential units, with shared living and kitchen area and office space. Each residential unit will have a private bath and kitchenette. RCDVC serves victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and child abuse.
Development name: Safe Place Building a Safe Future
Development location: Mitchell
Developer: Mitchell Area Safehouse dba Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota
Additional HOME-ARP funds: $596,195
Development summary: The Board of Commissioners approved $596,195 in additional funds for the new construction of two-story, non-congregate shelter containing eight residential units with shared living and kitchen areas. Safe Place serves victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and stalking.
Development name: Watertown Cares
Development location: Watertown
Developer: Watertown Cares (to be formed)
Additional HOME-ARP funds: $86,000
Development summary: The Board of Commissioners approved $86,000 in additional funds for the acquisition and rehab of an existing facility to transform the ten short-term rental units into eight non-congregate shelter units, each equipped with their own bathroom and kitchenette. The facility will serve homeless families and individuals.
Development name: Watertown Cares Supportive Services
Development location: Watertown
Developer: Watertown Cares (to be formed)
Additional HOME-ARP funds: $225,500
Development summary: The Board of Commissioners approved $225,500 in additional funding for case management and direct financial assistance, such as rental/utility deposits, rental arrears, rental/utility assistance and application fees for clients.
OCTOBER 21, 2022:
The Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center in Pierre has received $1.16 million to help construct the House of Hope Emergency Shelter.
South Dakota Housing’s Board of Commissioners recently awarded more than $5.7 million to entities that assist people who are homeless, at-risk of homelessness or fleeing domestic violence or human trafficking. The money may be used for the development of non-congregate shelters and providing financial assistance for support services.
Missouri Shores will use the money to build a two-story, non-congregate shelter containing 13 residential units, with a shared living and kitchen area. Missouri Shores serves victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and stalking.
South Dakota Housing will award the remaining $2.3 million a second round of funding. Applications due by 5pm CT Nov. 15, 2022. The HOME-ARP program allocation plan and application can be found on www.sdhda.org. Applications may be mailed or submitted online at SDHDA’s website at www.sdhda.org. SD Housing anticipates announcing the recipients of this second round of funding sometime in December. For more information, please contact Chas Olson at 605-773-3181.
Other first round HOME-ARP program recipients are:
Development name: ICAP Community Commons
Development location: Sioux Falls
Developer: Inter-Lakes Community Action Partnership, Inc.
HOME-ARP funds approved: $ 1,161,330
Development summary: The acquisition and rehab of an existing facility to transform the 24 units of emergency shelter into ten non-congregate multi-bedroom units for families, each equipped with their own bathroom and living area. The facility will serve families with children.
Development name: RCDVC NCS Shelter Expansion
Development location: Yankton
Developer: River City Domestic Violence Center (RCDVC)
HOME-ARP funds: $1,161,330
Development summary: The new construction of a one-story, non-congregate shelter containing four residential units, with shared living and kitchen area, to be added to the existing shelter. Each residential unit will have a private bath and kitchenette. RCDVC serves victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and child abuse.
Development name: Safe Place Building a Safe Future
Development location: Mitchell
Developer: Mitchell Area Safehouse dba Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota
HOME-ARP funds: $1,161,330
Development summary: The new construction of two-story, non-congregate shelter containing eight residential units with shared living and kitchen areas. Safe Place serves victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and stalking.
Development name: Watertown Cares
Development location: Watertown
Developer: Watertown Cares (to be formed)
HOME-ARP funds: $1,031,000
Development summary: The acquisition and rehab of an existing facility to transform the ten short-term rental units into eight non-congregate shelter units, each equipped with their own bathroom and kitchenette. The facility will serve homeless families and individuals.
Development name: Watertown Cares Supportive Services
Development location: Watertown
Developer: Watertown Cares (to be formed)
HOME-ARP funds: $104,500
Development summary: Funding for case management and direct financial assistance, such as rental/utility deposits, rental arrears, rental/utility assistance and application fees for clients.
The one-time funding was appropriated under the HOME Program through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The primary purpose of HOME-ARP is to provide funding to assist those who are homeless and other vulnerable populations through capital investment for affordable rental housing, non-congregate shelter and supportive services.
AUGUST 11, 2022:
Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center in Pierre recently received $400,000 in donations toward funding for a much-needed new facility.
The donations came from Delta Dental, SDCF board member and donors Scott and Julia Jones, the Gail & Delores Miller Foundation and an anonymous donor.
Sarah Reinhart, Executive Director of Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center, says they still have a little way to go with fundraising. But, she says, this community is so supportive and generous she believes they will be able to pull it off with no problem.
The mission of Missouri Shores is to protect victims, serve survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, and to prevent such violence by enhancing education and awareness in our communities. The Center’s goal is helping families to live violence-free and ensure no woman, child or man is afraid to return home.
“We are very honored to be involved in pulling partners together to help Missouri Shores meet their challenge goal,” said South Dakota Community Foundation President & CEO Stephanie Judson. “Providing safe, temporary housing and services for individuals encountering abuse is an important cause that many of our donors connect with, including Scott and Julia, the advisory board of the Gail and Delores Miller Foundation, and a donor who wishes to remain anonymous.”
Original date to raise the match for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) the Center received was July 10, 2022, however, the Center received an extension through the end of September.
“The new shelter will have 13 client rooms, which is four more than we have now. Because the CDBG grant is COVID-specific, we will have two rooms that include a kitchenette and outside access to ensure shelter residents are safe. These rooms will also be used to house male victims, which we hope will remove a major barrier to men coming forward and seeking services,” said Reinhart.
To learn more about the House of Hope campaign, please visit http://www.missourishores.com/about/houseofhope/
If you are interested in donating, please visit their Paypal account and select “House of Hope” Capital Campaign at https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HRXRPH4QDR7PY.

Pictured L-R: Julia and Scott Jones; Vona Johnson, Missouri Shores former Board Member; Sarah Reinhart, Missouri Shores Executive Director; Stephanie Judson, SDCF President & CEO.
Missouri Shores Domestic Violence Center Board of Directors
- LeeAnna Fitzgerald, President
- Dennis Rounds, Vice President
- John Hackett, Treasurer
- Judy Davis, Secretary
- Captain Bryan Walz, Police Liaison
- Craig Wexler
- Autumn Stout
- Jana Boocock
- Tara Jungwith Steiner
- Jenna Wickersham
- Jessica Carr
- Melinda Garcia
- Cassie Wendt