There are a lot of frustrating things about how we do things in America . . . but how would you feel if we had a system like this?
A driver in Switzerland was fined nearly $110,000 for driving too close to the vehicle in front of him.
You probably see people tailgating all the time . . . maybe YOU do it . . . so you might be thinking, “With a fine that extreme, he must have been right on the other car’s bumper!”
But nope: Reports say the guy was driving 40 feet behind the other vehicle. There’s no specific definition for tailgating . . . but the officer said the offender appeared to be “stuck” to the other car enough for it to be reckless.
The $110,000 amount wasn’t juiced up based on the severity. In Switzerland, fines are based on your taxable income . . . to ensure that a rich person FEELS the punishment just as much as someone who’s getting minimum wage.
And THIS driver was apparently a millionaire lawyer, so the fine was hefty.
This happened a few months ago, but the guy has been fighting it in court.
There’s good news and bad news for him: The ticket was upheld, but it’s a SUSPENDED fine . . . meaning that he won’t have to pay it as long as he avoids committing another offense within the next two years.
But he spent about $14,500 fighting the case in court, and he IS on the hook for those court fees.