A public hearing was held during Tuesday’s (March 18th) meeting of the Walworth County Commission regarding the County contracting with landowners to provide maintenance on private roads within the county. Walworth County Deputy Auditor Deb Kahl…
Audio PlayerThe commissioners passed a motion to approve.
Commissioner Duane Mohr had the Landfill monthly report.
Audio PlayerHighway
The commission approved Jason Berens’ request for a $250.00 utility easement refund.
Register of Deeds
Register of Deeds Brenda DeToy gave the commissioners the monthly report from her office.
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DeToy said pesticide testing is happening for South Dakota DOT, Game, Fish & Parks, and elevators with spraying season approaching.
The board gave approval for DeToy to attend a welfare workshop and a spring workshop, both coming up in Pierre.
DeToy also gave the commissioners updates on poor liens and jail medical expenses.
Planning & Zoning
The commission approved Pat Thorstenson’s conditional use permit request on three acres platted for a hunting lodge.
Director of Equalization
A considerable increase in ag land values was discussed. The Department of Revenue updated the soil table last fall. Deputy Auditor Kahl explained.
Audio PlayerKahl foresees issues with the new soil surveys.
Audio PlayerSheriff
Walworth County Sheriff Josh Boll presented his February reports, and the commissioners approved a pay increase for Deputy James Ryan, who has completed the academy and is now fully licensed and certified.
Walworth County Auditor Kim Dills said the Auditor’s February books balanced with the Treasurer’s.
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The commissioners set the April meeting dates for April 8th and 24th.