In order to bring fees in line with other similar national parks and as a part of ongoing efforts to address aging park infrastructure, Badlands National Park will increase its entrance fees beginning Jan. 2, 2020.
Park entrance fees will be $30/vehicle; $25/motorcycle; and $15/individual. The Badlands Annual Pass will be $55.
Park Superintendent Mike Pflaum says a majority of the fees are kept locally and have supported a wide range of projects that improve the park visitor experience, including rehabilitating trails and trailhead signs, developing and installing exhibits in visitor centers, improving park water systems, providing ranger-led programs and improving accessibility in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
He says additional revenue from this fee increase will contribute to continued support of the public fossil preparation lab, improved accessibility to visitor center displays, printing of the park map & newspaper, improved wayside exhibits, update Cedar Pass Campground water system, as well as upkeep of roads, trails and visitor facilities.
By policy, fee revenue must be used for deferred maintenance projects and for programs that have direct benefit for park visitors.