At the Tuesday, October 8th, meeting of the Walworth County Commission, a motion was passed to table approval of a landfill construction management contract with Wenck Engineering until their October 17th meeting, so that the contractor can be present for discussion.
Discussion regarding invoices from Clark Engineering for the Sitka Road project was taken off the agenda so that it could be brought up at a November meeting, but then Highway Department Superintendent Gary Byre asked for approval of a 2nd construction change order. States Attorney James Hare recommended tentatively approving the change order once they can officially get it back on the calendar, since it was taken off.
Under old business, the issue of the culvert south of Akaska is scheduled for jury trial at the end of January or first part of February.
Under new business, Commissioner Kevin Holgard would like to look into possibly combining with other counties and using a public defender to hold down court costs. Holgard said they were approached by Cheryl Larenz at the recent jail meeting in Corson County. States Attorney Hare doesn’t think there will be much savings to the county. Commissioner Scott Schilling suggested visiting with the judge on the subject and also Larenz and returning with more information at the next meeting.
Walworth County Commission meetings are open to the public.