This 911 operator sounds like she’d be better off working for a troubleshooting hotline . . . like, “Try unplugging it, and plugging it back in.”
A woman in Canada named Angela Chalmers woke up Monday and found an intruder had broken into her house, and the intruder was SLEEPING ON HER SOFA. Naturally, she ran upstairs and called 911. But she says the dispatcher was NOT helpful. They told her that the police were “really busy,” and asked if she’d mind going back downstairs and try to wake the intruder up herself. )
It’s unclear what the operator expected her to do after that, but Angela refused.
The police arrived 20 minutes later, and woke the man up. He became aggressive, and it took FOUR COPS to drag him out of the house. The police say they are providing “feedback” to the dispatcher who handled the call.