Regular Commission Meeting Agenda
Walworth County Commission Chambers
Kevin Holgard, Commissioner
Jim Houck, Commissioner
Davis Martin, Commissioner
Scott Schilling, Commissioner
Marion Schlomer, Commissioner
Thursday, February 20th, 2020 9:00 a.m.
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Convene as Walworth County Planning and Zoning Board
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjourn as Walworth County Planning and Zoning Board
- Convene as Walworth County Board of Zoning Adjustment
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjourn as Walworth County Board of Zoning Adjustment
- Convene as Board of County Commissioners
- Approval of Agenda
- Public Forum
- Consider motions to approve county commission minutes of February 4th, 2020
- 9:10 a.m. – Consider motion to approve claims to be paid as presented
- 9:15 a.m. – Monthly Treasurer’s Report: Nyla Moak
- 9:20 a.m. – Charles Hoffman
- 9:25 a.m. – Consider motions to approve abatements for records 7038 & 3728
- 9:30 a.m. – County owned land lease auction
- 9:45a.m. – Highway Dept: Gary Byre
- Sign joint ownership/maintenance agreement with Campbell County for 2005 Detach Low Boy trailer.
- Open bids for surplus sale of snow blower.
- Motion to approve resolution to set weight limits in Walworth County.
- Motion to purchase culverts for 2020 by joint power agreement with True North Steel of Huron, SD off Beadle County bid.
- January Budget Balance Review.
- Informational discussion on proposed grade raise assigned Project #D3WM between SE ¼ 6 and NE ¼ 7 – T124N-R77W.
- Anything else that comes up.
- 10:15 a.m. Consider motion to approve Budget Supplement
- 10:20 a.m. – Sheriff and Jail: Josh Boll & Justin Jungwirth
- Sheriff and Jail report
- Discussion and Motion on payment of EAPC for schematic design of jail of $7500.00 dollars to be split out between entities involved with regional jail concept.
- Discussion regarding the Donald & Matthew Hintz property.
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment