At Tuesday’s meeting of the Walworth County Commission, acting as the board of zoning adjustment, they passed a motion on a 4 to 1 roll call vote to approve the dairy farm Hoffman variance 100 foot set-back request as applied for. Commissioner Jim Houck was the lone no vote, which he based on previous discussion to the keep the variance at 300 feet in consideration of any future structure development. Also as the board of zoning adjustment they approved the haul road agreement as it is now with the changes that were made.
As the board of commissioners for the highway department, a motion passed to advertise for sealed bids for the highway department snow blower, which will be opened at 10am on February 20th. Advertising for bids for a contract for services for the highway department was approved, and a motion to consider KLJ Engineering for the hall road inspections passed.
In the sheriff’s department, approval was given for the signing of a jail housing contract with Hughes County for emergency adult bed space.
The subject of one sanitation company’s overdue bill at the landfill was brought up by Commissioner Houck. The commission passed a motion last summer not to allow landfill access to sanitation companies with bills over 90 days. past due. Landfill Superintendent Becky Krein stated she has requested to have that motion put back on the agenda since it was made when she was not present. Krein said she has made steady progress with this particular company over the past year to lower the bill. State’s Attorney James Hare stated they should have been cut off first of January, as directed by the commission. After a brief heated exchange of words between Krein and Hare, Krein said she will do so as of today. Commissioner Holgard then asked to have discussion of the original motion put on the next agenda.