Many people participating in the 2023 South Dakota Legislative Session in Pierre say lawmakers have exhibited more decorum this year compared to past years.
South Dakota News Watch reporter Bart Pfankuch tells us why.
“As the 2023 legislative session winds to a close, many observers and participants in the process say they have seen a return to greater civility, decorum and cordiality in the state Capitol.
“Many lawmakers, lobbyists and others say stronger leadership in the House and Senate has led to improved communication and more effective lawmaking compared to the past five years or so.
“Another reason for improved civility, some say, is that 2023 has seen a large number of first-time lawmakers who have brought a new sense of respect and statesmanship to the lawmaking process.
“While the effects of the increased civility are hard to pin down, many in Pierre say policy debates are more respectful and reasoned, that the process is running on time, that there’s a greater sense of bipartisanship, and that the bills ultimately sent to Gov. Kristi Noem for signing are better vetted and stronger in intent and outcome.
“Other than a personnel problem involving Sen. Julie Frye Mueller of Rapid City, who made inappropriate comments to a legislative staffer in January, observers say the 2023 session has focused mainly on policy issues and not personalities or personal attacks.
“The more diplomatic approach this session comes six months after worrisome results from a statewide poll conducted by South Dakota News Watch in July 2022. That poll of 500 registered voters showed that 79% believed civility had gotten worse in America over the past five years, while only 3% said civility had improved. “Representative Will Mortenson, Republican of Pierre, sayshe has tried as Majority Leader to set a tone of respect and cordiality and has pushed lawmakers to be good listeners who are honest and respectful. Mortenson said it takes years to create a sense of civility in the Legislature, and only a short time to destroy if standards are not upheld.
“For South Dakota News Watch, I’m Bart Pfankuch.”