The 2018 Wheat Yield Contest winners in South Dakota were announced during the Ag Horizons conference in Pierre this month. Prizes included $500 for 1st place in each district and $300 for 2nd place in each district.
The winners for winter wheat were:
Wyatt Leesman
1st Place -District 4
Winter Wheat
76.10 bushels per acre
Raleigh Leesman
2nd Place -District 4
Winter Wheat
48.7 bushels per acre
The spring wheat winners were:
Doug Abeln
1st Place -District 6
Spring Wheat
90.09 bushels per acre
Abeln Farms
2nd Place -District 6
Spring Wheat
83.85 bushels per acre
Application deadline for the 2019 Wheat Yield Contest is May 15, 2019. For more information or an application, email or go to