UNDATED – The South Dakota Basketball Coaches Association has named their boys and girls basketball Region Coach of the Year winners.
For the boys…..
Region 1 Boys’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Boys: Brock Pashen Leola/Frederick High School
Assistant Boys: Kyle Gerlach Groton Area High School
Region 2 Boys’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Boys: Todd Neuendorf Hamlin High School
Tie-Assistant Boys: Travis Wadsworth Hamlin High School
Tie-Assistant Boys: David Carmon Sioux Valley High School
Region 3 Boys’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Boys: Tim Buddenhagen Huron High School
Assistant Boys: Brice Cunningham Faulkton Area High School
Region 4 Boys’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Boys: Travis Grueb Faith High School
Assistant Boys: Adam Courtney Rapid City Christian
Boys Coach Region 1-4 Lower Level Coach of the Year
Bill Clemens Northwestern
Region 5 Boys’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Boys: Nick Koepsell Howard High School
Assistant Boys: Ryan Spader Howard High School
Region 6 Boys’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Boys: Scott Langerock Harrisburg High School
Tie Assistant Boys: Dave Nour Harrisburg High School
Tie Assistant Boys: Jacob Hinker Lennox High School
Region 7 Boys Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Boys: Jeff Determan Gregory High School
Assistant Boys: Lonnie Kludt Gregory High School
Region 8 Boys’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Boys: Casey Means Pine Ridge High School
Assistant Boys: Ben Connot Winner High School
Boys Lower Level Region 5-8 Coach of the Year
Kenedy Koepsell, Howard
Girls Region Coach of the Year award winners from the South Dakota Basketball Coaches Association are……
Region 1 Girls’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Girls: Derek Larson Aberdeen Roncalli High School
Assistant Girls: Trent Traphagen Groton Area High School
Region 2 Girls’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Girls: Tara King- Arlington High School
Assistant Girls: Brian Relf Flandreau High School
Region 3 Girls’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Girls: Krista Robinson James Valley Christian HS
Assistant Girls: Eric Hasart James Valley Christian HS
Region 4 Girls’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Girls: Dakota Johnson Spearfish High School
Tie Assistant Girls: Jaime Bentley Spearfish High School
Tie Assistant Girls: Josie Dirksen Sturgis Brown HS
Girls Region 1-4 Lower Level Coach of the Year
(Three way tie)
LeAnn Bartholow: James Valley Christian
Wade Stobbs: Huron
Cooper Heiser: Arlington
Region 5 Girls’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Girls: Jim Bridge Hanson High School
Assistant Girls: Barry Matthies Bishop O’Gorman HS
Region 6 Girls’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Girls: Jon Brooks Vermillion High School
Assistant Girls: Dana Bigge Harrisburg High School
Region 7 Girls’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Girls: Preston Kristensen Mt Vernon-Plankinton HS
Assistant Girls: Becky Haenfler Avon High School
Region 8 Girls’ Basketball Coach of the Year
Head Girls: Matt Rama Mahpiya Luta High School
Assistant Girls: Amanda Carlow Mahpiya Luta High School
Girls Lower Level Region 5-8 Coach of the Year
Tera Koupal- Wagner
Story courtesy of Rod Fisher and 605sports.com.