WATERTOWN, S.D. – USA Softball South Dakota is preparing for the upcoming season following remarks made by South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem on Tuesday easing the State back to a form of normality with the Corona Virus (COVID 19) Pandemic. On the USA Softball South Dakota website they have several guidelines for individual leagues to follow and playing of state tournament. First off as far as league season;s go, on the west side of the state, no adult leagues start before May 18th & no youth league starts before June 1st. On the east side, the thinking is that very few adult leagues would not start before May 26th and most would not begin at the earliest of June 1st. USA Softball South Dakota is also asking that no youth league starts before June 1st. Leagues would be encouraged to schedule Double Headers instead of 3 team rounds. When need to switch opponents, the switch would tie to the start times of each set of diamonds. Teams would be asked to exit the complex when their games are over. The next set of teams waiting to play would be asked to stay outside of complex until the teams on their field exits. And for For leagues and tournament, the suguestion would be to stagger start times so there is not as many at the gate area at one time. Other recomendations include No sharing of helmets. No sharing of other equipment if at all possible, including bats and catchers gear. No team coolers. Players, umpires, and 3 coaches will be the only ones allowed on the field besides emergency personal and grounds crews. And leagues Monitor spacing in the dugout to distance players from each other. For all of the recomendations put forth by USA Softball South Dakota, access the organizations webssite www.usasoftballsd.com.