The Walworth County Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, May 23rd.
The commission discussed the possibility of eliminating the County’s nepotism policy, due to a lack of applicants for employment and Highway Superintendent Tom Hannan’s interest in hiring one of his family members to help with mowing and weed spraying. The commission decided to table more discussion on the issue until the next meeting when Commissioner Scott Schilling can be present.
Dean Marske from HKG Architects presented an updated jail plan for the commissioners to consider. The plan includes 54 beds and work release areas, at a current cost of $10.8 million. Marske says Commissioner Kevin Holgard’s concern about a business plan of operating a new jail can be discussed in an upcoming meeting.
The commissioners agreed to allow Marske to move forward on a possible grant for a new building at the landfill. Marske will send an estimate to Ted Dickey with NECOG.
Liquor licenses were approved for Mud Line Adventures/New Evarts Resort, Hoven Country Club, and Bridge City Marina and Resort.
Veterans Service Officer Pete Weinzirl will travel to Sioux Falls in September for an annual training session.
Highway Superintendent Hannan informed the commissioners that he extended the warranty on a Mobridge road grader for three years and two thousand hours, at a cost of $11,150.00.
Hannan will attend a summer meeting in Pierre on June 12th and 13th at no cost to the county.
Mobridge nuisance properties that the County takes over were discussed regarding mowing and weeds.
New Deputy Auditor Hanna Dryer’s hourly rate was approved. The commission also approved Dryer traveling to Pierre June 11th for a deputy workshop.
June 26th was set as the date to sell county properties on the steps of the Walworth County Courthouse.
With the primary election on June 4th, the first commission meeting in June was changed to Monday, June 11th, for election canvass and land lease. The land lease date will be advertised.
Walworth County Commission meeting 05-23-24 Part 1.
05/23/2024 Commission Meeting
Posted by Walworth County, Selby SD on Thursday, May 23, 2024
Walworth County Commission meeting 05-23-24 Part 2.
05/23/2024 Commission Meeting
Posted by Walworth County, Selby SD on Thursday, May 23, 2024