The USDA is accepting offers for more than 2.2 million acres from agricultural producers and private landowners through this year’s Grassland, General, and Continuous Conservation Reserve Program sign-ups administered by the Farm Service Agency. With the accepted acres, enrollment is very near the 27 million CRP acreage cap.
“The popularity of our Conservation Reserve Programs, including the significant success of the Grassland Conservation Reserve Program and nearing the overall CRP acreage cap is a testament to the commitments made by the farmers, ranchers, and landowners we serve to mitigate the impacts of climate change by conserving, protecting, and enhancing our natural resources,” says FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux. “It’s through all of FSA’s conservation programs that we are able to work directly with agricultural producers to implement climate-smart conservation practices that ultimately benefit everyone.”
Producers can still participate in CRP through the Continuous CRP signup at their local USDA service center.