There are a lot of frustrating things involved with doing laundry, and one is: Fighting with detergent. It’s always a mess . . . unless you have one that drains itself back into the bottle.
So is this a genius hack . . . or the most ridiculous thing you’ve heard?
A woman on TikTok asked her boyfriend where the cap to the liquid detergent was, and he said, “Oh I just fill it up and throw it in.” Yes, with all the clothes.
He wasn’t goofing around. He was SO CONVINCED that he was reading the back label to find “where it says so on the container.” And he was RIGHT.
Some brands of liquid detergent have a small message on the cap that says, “Rinse After Use or Toss in Wash.”
So . . . do YOU do this? And if you don’t, will you try it?
In the comments, a lot of people seemed surprised that this was an ACTUAL thing. Some were worried that the cap could damage delicate clothes or that the cap itself could get messed up in the spin cycle.
Others claim they already do it . . . and a few said they’ve heard about people tossing the cap in, but don’t think it’s necessary.
Either way, be careful to remove the cap before tossing the clothes into the DRYER. That could be a problem.
(New York Post via Wise Brother Media)
(Here’s the woman’s viral TikTok.)