Making sure everyone likes you takes a lot of energy and can be hard! I know my whole life I’ve always cared what others think of me. David said it wasn’t until he was in his 30’s that he stopped caring. After going through the fire, my perspective has changed! I don’t care what others think of me. I’ve realized that you can’t make everyone like you and if someone doesn’t like you, then you don’t want them in your life!
According to Metro, the average age for coming to this realization that we should care what others think about us is 46! They say at this point you have lived your life and have experienced enough to be confident in where you are at. They say that by your mid-30’s you are okay with your appearance (men 34 and women 36). Confidence is a hard thing to learn. The reason that most folks feel this way is because by their mid-30’s you’ve learned just about everything you need to and you’ve had all kinds of life experiences that shape you into who you are!
So… are you comfortable in your own skin? Do you care what others think about you?