TikTok is the ultimate adulting handbook you could ever ask for! You literally can learn just about anything on there! It has been so hot out and this doesn’t help my current cause. The other morning I was getting into my truck. I was on the phone with my mom, carrying my gym bag, and had my backpack. My tumbler doesn’t completely fit in my cup holder. I swung my backpack in my truck and spilled my coffee on my floorboard. I have WeatherTech floor mats that I took out and cleaned really well. I think some got underneath and now my truck smells bad. I was scrolling on TikTok and found this video of an air freshener hack that may just save my life because it is so hot outside. The guy got a salt and pepper shaker and put some scented wax in it. Because it has been so hot, the wax will melt and release a fresh smell that you pick into your car. The guy says it’s stronger than your traditional air freshener. With as hot as it has been the past few days, I could see how this would be the perfect option to get the smell out! Please let me know if you try this out. I’d love to hear what you thought about it!
@jlmusicadcr remember who put you on that. #fyp #lifehack #airfreshener #airfreshenerhack #sofreshsoclean #smellgood