A 30-day public comment period is now open to take input regarding South Dakota’s state Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan.
The plan is a federal requirement and is updated every five years. The document details how the state would use federal funding to mitigate hazards stemming from natural disasters such as tornadoes or floods.
Tyler Steen, the recovery and mitigation manager of the state Office of Emergency Management, says the plan is reviewed and updated by the state Hazard Mitigation Team, which consists of individuals from various state agencies and who are designated by the Governor. Steen says the team uses the plan to establish statewide hazard mitigation goals, objectives and categories.
“Our top priority is to protect people and property, including infrastructure, from all types of hazards,” says Steen. “We also want to be able to support efforts involving local agencies and tribes.”
The draft plan can found at: https://dps.sd.gov/download_file/1655/0.
Comment period on the draft plan is open now until Feb. 7, 2019. Comments can be directed to the Office of Emergency Management at 605-773-3231 or OEMInfo@state.sd.us.
The Office of Emergency Management is part of the Department of Public Safety.