At Tuesday’s meeting of the Walworth County Commission, the board set the equalization date for April 16th after the regular commission meeting.
A motion was approved to give Sheriff Josh Boll and Regina Davis full access to online web banking for the sheriff’s trust account.
A motion on the agenda to approve the wage of $55,000 for Highway Superintendent Blake Friend began discussion on what was actually approved during a commission meeting. Commissioner Jim Houck…
Houck made a motion to amend the amount to $38,000. Roll call vote was a tie with Chairman Scott Schilling breaking the tie with a no vote. Walworth County resident Linda Beaman addressed the board…
Chairman Schilling’s response…
And that started this exchange…
States Attorney James Hare had this to say…
They then took a roll call vote on the $55,000 wage motion with Schilling again breaking the tie with a yes vote.
The highway department full time secretary position was next with a motion on the table to approve the wage of Corrine Olson at $15.42. Commissioner Houck said the decision to advertise for the position was never authorized by the board…
State’s Attorney Hare said it was his understanding that the position has yet to be created…
Linda Beaman told the commission they seem to be doing things backwards…
Commissioner Houck mentioned that he had not received a landfill report for several months. Commissioner Davis Martin brought up the upcoming June departure of Leo Rookey from the position of Commission Officer for Veterans and that the board should maybe authorize advertising for the position. Commissioner Kevin Holgard said they’re waiting on the Legion’s recommendation. Martin asked who that was. Holgard’s response…
The issue will be put on the next agenda…
Walworth County Commission meetings are recorded and are available to view when posted on