Lane Zeigler | May 23, 1935 - July 17, 2022
Obituaries-Pierre / Posted Jul 22, 2022 | 2:20 PM / 486 views
Lane Zeigler, 87, of Highmore, passed away Sunday, July 17, 2022, at Faulkton Area Medical Center.
Funeral Services will be held at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at Luce Funeral Home, Faulkton. Burial will follow at Oakland Cemetery, Seneca. A visitation will be 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., Monday, July 25, 2022, at Luce Funeral Home, Faulkton.
Lane Calvin Zeigler was born a fisherman May 23, 1935, in Highmore, SD. Cancer forced him to make his last cast July 17, 2022, at the Faulkton Area Medical Center. Lane was the son of Joseph Henry and Josephine Annie (Higgs) Zeigler and was welcomed home by older brothers, Vernal Henry and Arnold Joseph. A few years later, Lane would help them welcome Henry Joseph Jr. “Hank” to the family.
Lane was raised on the family homestead in northern Hyde County. It was his home for 87 years, 1 month, and 24 days. He attended grade school at Rice Lake and claims the only reason he went was because his older brothers got the horse ready and set him on top, not giving him a choice. Lane’s father owned the theatre in Harrold and Lane went to high school there so he could run the theatre while going to school. He boarded with different families, continued to hate school, but honed his social skills while working in business. Lane graduated from Harrold High School in 1953.
Lane’s older brothers weren’t home from Korea when he graduated, so Lane stayed on the farm to help his parents. It was a good life, much improved when he asked Joyce Dale Van Den Berg to become his bride. They were married June 9, 1957, and moved into their first home, a small 8’ x 29’ mobile home near the house Lane grew up in.
This “Love Nest” became too small after sons, Carmen Lane and Lynn Vernal, were born. In 1963, Lane and Joyce built a new house to accommodate the growing family. The timing was perfect as a third son, Dana Wallace, was soon born completing the family.
Lane had grown up in a musical family and played for many dances as part of the Zeigler Family Band. During his lifetime, he played the trombone, upright bass, bass guitar, and tuba. The musical tradition carried into the next generations as his sons, nephew, and grandson also joined in as they grew. The name of the band, its members, or style of music might have changed over the years, but it always left toes tapping and hands clapping.
Lane loved to travel, and he and Joyce enjoyed many adventures traveling with family and neighbors. The locations didn’t have to be exotic for they always found something interesting and made their own fun. Lane also enjoyed family gatherings trying to best one another at cards or an informal jam session, but his passion was hunting and fishing. He kept his fishing pole, tackle box, and lawn chair in the trunk of his car so whenever he got the notion, he could head for the water. “A bad day fishing is better than a great day at work!” He was proud to have passed on the love of fishing and hunting to his sons and grandchildren.
Lane served his community as county commissioner from Feb. 14, 1989, to Jan. 5, 1999. He enjoyed the good discussions held during and after the commissioners’ meetings, but most of Lane’s days were spent on the seat of a tractor or under it with a wrench. Chores always outnumber hours on the farm. When Joyce died in 2009, Lane learned to cook and bake, bringing pies to holiday celebrations and keeping the cookie jar full for grandkids. Neighbors knew his fridge always held a cold beer or two when they stopped to visit.
Lane took pride in his garden and growing fruit trees in the back yard. You learned to check his windows before venturing there, for the barrel of his .22 might come poking out to deal with produce-eating rabbits. In later years, he putted around the farm in his EZ Go golf cart, making slow circuits and possibly seeing in his mind all the changes that had taken place over his lifetime.
Those happy to have been part of Lane’s life and honored to carry his stories forward are his sons: Carmen Zeigler of Pierre, and his children Jason (Lexi) Zeigler of Rapid City and Stacy Cwach of Pierre; Lynn (Patty) Zeigler of Highmore and their children, Trenton Zeigler of Watertown, Jeff and Hannah Zeigler of Highmore; and Dana (Monna) Zeigler of Rapid City; great-grandchildren Caleb and Carissa Zeigler, Joseph and Mattie Sue Cwach; and four step-great grandchildren; one brother, Henry Jr. “Hank” of Pierre; close nephew Wayne Zeigler of Seneca, his son Daryn (Kari) and their sons Garrett and Treyson all of Gettysburg; brothers-in-law, Ron (Vicki) Van Den Berg of Highmore, and Rex (Kathy) Van Den Berg of Virginia; two sisters-in-law: Arla Seachris of Colorado, and Janice Van Den Berg of Idaho; and numerous other nieces, nephews, and cousins.
Lane was preceded in death by his parents, wife Joyce Zeigler, brothers Vernal and Arnold Zeigler, sister-in law Laura Zeigler, brothers-in-law Dwayne Van Den Berg and Roy Seachris, and grandson-in-law Matt Cwach.
Luce Funeral Home of Faulkton has been entrusted with Lane’s arrangements.