Mark Hoines | 1966 - 2023
Obituaries-Pierre / Posted Dec 20, 2023 | 4:59 PM / 568 views
Mark Daniel Hoines, 57, passed away on December 12, 2023, at the Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD. Services are pending at this time.
A celebration of life for Mark will be held from 1-5 pm on January 13, 2023 at Drifters Event Center.
Mark Daniel Hoines was born on November 13, 1966, in Rapid City, South Dakota to John and Ellen (Stadsklev) Hoines. He grew up in Rapid City until his family moved to Elkhorn, Nebraska, where he graduated from Elkhorn High School before returning to South Dakota to attend South Dakota State University. Following in his father’s footsteps, he became a second-generation Jackrabbit, receiving his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering in May 1990.
Following graduation, Mark began work for the Federal Highway Administration, traveling around the country for a couple of years before taking his first permanent position with the Wisconsin Division. While in Wisconsin, he married Jill McClanahan, and to this union Mark’s pride and joy, Bailey Nicole was born. On Bailey’s second birthday, they moved to Pierre, South Dakota, where Mark would continue with the Federal Highway Administration in the South Dakota Division until his passing. Over the years, Mark held a variety of roles within Federal Highway including Planning and Civil Rights Specialist and most recently the Engineering and Operations Supervisor. He especially enjoyed his time working with the Metropolitan Planning Organizations and serving as the Tribal Transportation Coordinator, where he developed many lifelong friends across not only South Dakota, but also across the country.
Mark enjoyed nothing more than teaching Bailey all his wonderful hobbies – fishing, hunting, water and snow skiing, SCUBA, boating and more. He took great pride in how young she was when she learned each sport or task and was very proud that she could do them all better than any boy! He was especially proud when she graduated from South Dakota State University as a third generation Jackrabbit and enjoyed visiting her in Brookings, celebrating Hobo Days with her, and overall, being the cool dad!
On August 12th, 2017, Mark married the love of his life and best friend, Nancy (Surprenant) Hoines, on the Missouri River between Pierre and Fort Pierre. Mark and Nancy were almost inseparable and enjoyed fishing, boating, cooking, landscaping, building, woodworking, skiing, SCUBA, traveling, and just being together, side by side. Depending on the activity, Mark might take the lead, or Nancy – but it was always a ton of fun with great results. As Mark neared retirement, they had laid the plans for their dream home, many future projects, and years of travel ahead. Their time together has now been cut way too short.
Over the years, Mark enjoyed the company of many amazing friends, relatives, and hunting dogs on his travels around the sun. The wonderful stories and adventures are testament to a life well lived, his dynamic personality, and his adventurous spirit.
Mark is survived by his wife, Nancy, his daughter Bailey and son-in-law Lucas Adams of Monee, IL, sister Kathleen (Larry) Hoegermeyer of Custer, SD, sister Linda (Willis) Hassell of Dallas, TX, father-in-law Ralph Surprenant of Tracy, MN, brother-in-law Matt (Linnea) Surprenant of Tracy, MN, sister-in-law Marcia (Steve) Czenczek, of Midlothian, VA, nieces and nephews, Aaron and Morgan Hassell, Alexander (Melissa Xu) Czenzek, Victoria(Quinzel) Czenczek-Comer, Elizabeth Czenczek, Rebecca (Jonathan) Laughrey, and Megan Surprenant, and many other relatives and friends. Mark was preceded in death by his parents, John and Ellen Hoines, and mother-in-law Myrna Surprenant.