The Director of Regional Outreach for the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis is in Pierre today (Mon.) share insight on South Dakota’s economy.
Ron Wirtz will be at the Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce as part of the Minneapolis Federal Reserves’ outreach program to meet with businesses in person to present and gain insight about both the strengths and challenges of local economies.
Wirtz’s primary responsibilities involve tracking and assessing current business conditions in the regional economy focusing on recent sales/revenue trends, employment, wages and prices, while also tracking construction and real estate markets. Wirtz is a contributor to the Beige Book, a report of current economic conditions published by the Federal Reserve System every six months.
The presentation runs from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. with time at the end to ask questions. This event is free to attend and open to members and nonmembers, but participants must register. For more information or to register, visit, contact the Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce at 605-224-7361 or by email Jamie Seiner at
This presentation is co-sponsored by the Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce and Pierre Economic Development Corporation.